Power makes me happy

My car is still in the shop (argh), so I have borrowed the hubby’s transportation several times over the past few days. This is what he drives.

I don’t know what you would think if you saw me driving by in this, but apparently people here in Houston think this car says “GRRRRRR…I’M MEAN!”

It’s fabulous.

I can drive 55 in the fast lane in this monster and no one gives me the evil sideways look as they pass by. Cars that are 1/4 mile ahead on the road move out of my lane immediately. I was the LAST person to arrive at a four-way stop, and no one wanted to move until I passed through. A pedestrian even apologized for walking in front of me (at a crosswalk, when she had the little “go” hand). I feel so powerful. I am Queen of the Road.

And not only that, but everyone stares at me too. So I feel powerful AND pretty! This is the best car ever. 🙂

If you don’t believe me, you are welcome to come over and take this puppy around the block a few times. Just don’t be multi-tasking, because one minute you are dialing your cell phone and then BAM, you’ve demolished the Toyota in the next lane.

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