Momma’s Got a New Ride

Happy New Year, everyone! Sorry I’ve been away so long, but Anabella was home full time for the last two weeks, and I’ve barely had time to shower. You know how that goes.

The only exciting thing that happened is that my car turned itself into a low rider on NYE (the air suspension died and the car lowered all the way to the ground and wouldn’t come back up!) and is now back in the shop for the SIXTH time since October (note: do NOT keep a Land Rover for more than 70K miles!).

So I bought a new Hummer last Saturday! Here it is…

Isn’t it cute? I know it’s a bit BIG, and maybe sort of a gas guzzler, but I love it and I don’t care. I recycle practically everything, and my hubby works on all kinds of save-the-environment projects…I am doing my fair share. And if you think about it, we actually downgraded from the H1 to the smaller H2. So don’t give me a hard time.

Besides, I needed to get back on Al Gore’s shit list for having all three of things below.

(Note: I wouldn’t call my house a McMansion, but it definitely looks more like house #1 than house #2.)

So what is happening with all of you?

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