7 thoughts on “Please take this poll

  1. I've got a couple guys at work that come up with off the wall sayings no one has ever heard of too! But they are funny as hell! I'll have to start keeping note of them and we can see if Dan has heard of them!!

  2. While I've never heard of that expression, Andy does come up with some crazy ones.

    My favorite is "you look like a monkey f*cking a football" huh?

  3. Cocotte – certainly! Maybe it can be a new feature. 😉

    Trix – we can start a man-dictionary

    Bee – that's exactly the kind of stuff Dan says. Maybe it's a yankee man thing? (he's from Michigan)

  4. Cocotte – certainly! Maybe it can be a new feature. ;)Trix – we can start a man-dictionaryBee – that’s exactly the kind of stuff Dan says. Maybe it’s a yankee man thing? (he’s from Michigan)

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