“What the f*ck?” Wednesday

I was almost rear-ended twice coming back from lunch on Monday. And I’m not talking about someone tailgating or coming to a stop too close. It was two tire-screeching, head-turning, near misses in less than five minutes … by the same car.

Of course that pissed me off to no end, so when the guy pulled beside me as I headed into the left-turn lane, I prepared my best evil eye. I just wish my iPhone had a telephoto lens, because then you could see that the man in this photo was so captivated by the thumbnails on the back of the PORNO he was holding, that he couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to me or the road.

Nothing wrong with a good video, but do we need to study it while driving on a crazy-busy road, during the middle of the day, with our window down so that everyone gets a good look, and nearly killing our fellow drivers in the process? He is truly lucky that I don’t own a Hummer any more because I was that close to just ramming into him.

WTF are these people doing?

Tailgating in the mall parking lot?

Watching an analog TV in their car?

7 thoughts on ““What the f*ck?” Wednesday

  1. The porn guy really needs some hands-free equipment 😉

    I want to see the picture where the car with the ET ariel goes under a low bridge…

  2. Here via Matt.

    If someone caused me to wreck because they were preoccupied with porn, I'd want them to spend a little time in jail. Give them some time to reflect.

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