“What the f*ck?” Wednesday

This week WTF Wednesday revolves entirely around food. Wasn’t planned that way, but I am sure it has something to do with eating my feelings. Whatever.

So, WTF is this? Who drinks this? Is this a hangover cure or does someone truly enjoy beer and tomato juice? I need to know.

I took my friend Tracie some Taco Bell last week (she just had twins and isn’t getting out much … you know you are f*cked when Taco Bell is some sort of rare treat), and I noticed the packages have weird messages on them like “I collect straws” and “Will you marry me?” Tracie says they’ve been like that for years, but I guess that’s how long it’s been since my last trip to Taco Hell. Then the communicator in me got very annoyed … WTF is the purpose of this? It doesn’t make me laugh or want to buy more crappy tacos.

Finally, these immediately got my attention at the grocery store. I’m not sure what branding mini-cucumbers does for High School Musical (and it probably doesn’t help cucumbers much either) and quite frankly, it seems a little dirty to me.

— The B.S. Cafe is now serving Cheladas with snarky hot sauce and cucumber swizzle sticks.

17 thoughts on ““What the f*ck?” Wednesday

  1. 1 – Lu drinks that shit (well not necessarily the "pre" canned type)… yet she never remembers what to call it. Everytime we go to Mexico I have to hear her ask for it… Michelada… Chelda… Itchalata… then she just says the ingredients. At EVERY place she orders it. Apparently it has different names… or she just doesn't remember cuz she's wasted.

    2 – Yes… they have been putting tag lines on the hot sauce for years… however I kinda forgot about them… and I do swing by Taco Hell at least every other month or so!!

    3 – I LOVE those mini cucumbers! I get pissed when K-Rog doesn't have them. Haven't notice any special HS Musical branding on any that I have bought though. You're right… it does seem a little dirty… but I'm a gutterhead… guess you are one too (go figure)!!

  2. Apparently, the beer and tomato juice is very popular in Mexico. Not sure if whats-his-name ever drank the canned stuff, but he sure did like it and drank a lot of it when we were in Mexico. Ick.

  3. Cucumbers, high school musical… what is dirty here… your mind?

    I agree, some packages are rather inappropriate, but maybe that's intentiona – they want to draw our attention even if it's by annoying us.

  4. Cocotte – Hmmm … what if you don't fall into any of those categories?

    Minka – I am guessing you are new to this blog, because it goes without saying that I have a dirty mind. 🙂 Vanessa Hudgens (the girl on the front of those cucumbers) isn't exactly a role model. She has naked photos all over the intenet and that is what makes the cucumber endorsement seem so inappropriate … and DIRTY.

    Omar – Really? How long has been since you posted to your blog … JUNE?! WTF? 😉

  5. Yes, I'm new to your blog. Also, I've only seen these things here, published by you, as they are not selling them over here (yet).

    Dirty mind? I was joking, but if you say so 😀

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