“What the f*ck?” Wednesday

For the past few months something weird has been going on with the electricity in the front of our house. The breaker would flip off, we would flip it back on, it would stay put for a few minutes, and then it would flip off again — sometimes with a spark coming from one of the electrical sockets. Dan and I know nothing about electricity, so we started living without a front porch light, stairway light and any electricity at all on one side of my office. (And yes, the spark should have prompted us to call someone immediately, but we aren’t scared!)

Finally, a friend (who also happens to be an electrician) came by to check it out. Thankfully (because I don’t enjoy looking totally stupid), he was also stumped and started to do some investigating. He figured out that the problem was starting with the small night lights installed on the stairway.

He took off the cover and this is what he found …

Thanks right, folks. Someone was using the night light as a PIGGY BANK. WTF, Firestarter … I mean, Anabella? Sure, throw some coins into an electrical outlet. I’m sure that won’t be a problem.

The yellow arrows are pointing to the places where two of the coins had almost fused together from the sparks/fire/whatever was going on each time we tried to turn the breaker back on.

Between the poop and the cussing and now the electricity stunt, Anabella is going to make me old and gray long before my 40th birthday.

— The B.S. Cafe is now serving a big helping of Big Brother. I am watching you, Anabella!

8 thoughts on ““What the f*ck?” Wednesday

  1. That's scary – people tell me that US electricity systems are nowhere near as safe as ours, but I'm sure that even the best standards are probably no match for a child's ingenuity.

  2. HA! That's hilarious! I mean it wouldn't have been if something had caught on fire and anything bad happened. But since it didn't… hilarious! I just love kids imaginations!

    Quesiton is… how are you going to get her to stop depositing her loot?!?!

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  4. What are you saying, man? I recognize everyones got their own view, but really? Listen, your web log is awesome. I like the efforts you put into it, especially with the vids and the pics. But, come on. Theres gotta be a better way to say this, a way that doesnt make it seem like everybody here is stupid!

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