Another Wednesday, another talk about lady crotches.
Guess what sexy style is back, girls? According to Cosmo, and Jessica Alba’s crotch area, the “untamed va-jay-jay!”
I mean, WTF?
Not only do I not care, I don’t want to talk about it, and I certainly do not want to think about untamed va-jay-jays in the checkout line at the grocery store. Isn’t there something better to write about on the front cover of your magazine? This is why I didn’t become a journalist.
P.S. I’m so glad Anabella can’t read yet … I’m not prepared to answer the what-is-an-untamed-va-jay-jay question!
Are you sure you didn’t just photoshop that cover? (I can’t believe they’ve stooped to writing “va-jay-jay” on it — has it shown up in the Oxford English Dictionary yet?
I agree, I do not want to talk about untamed va-jay-jays any more than I want to talk (or read) about Jennifer Love Hewitt (or anyone else) bedazzling theirs. Good grief. WTF is right!
Add me to the list of those who don’t know WTH that even really means. And didn’t Oprah start with all this va-jay-jay crap? Good grief!
The big GUY SEX confessions teaser isn’t much better. My local grocery chain still sells Cosmo, but they display it so that you can only see the top couple of inches on the cover. They had been getting a LOT of complaints, I guess.
They should just call it the Va-Afro! HA… and Gross!
Or… Vag-Afro!
I saw this at the store last night and had two thoughts:
-Damn Oprah for ruining that word forever
-Guess what sexy style is back? Gross. WTF would I want to read that?
(With apologies to Alfred Hitchcock): Which section does that article come under – fashion, makeovers or hairdressing?
crap, i don’t even know what an untamed vajay jay is
I guess untrimmed pubic hair? WTF??
Hey!! I guess the recession has finally hit the hoo-ha as well. In 2009, Nighline had a story on how “manscaping” was on the way out because of the cost.
floribunda- I’m sure it’s just a matter of time!
KB – bedazzling? LOL
Cocotte – Yes, another thing to thank Oprah for.
Omar – Wow. I didn’t even see that. I was very focused on the va-jay-jays!
Trix – Ha! Gross and not exactly a picture I want in my head. But funny.
SHG – Exactly! WTF?! 😉
Brian – LOL. I didn’t look, but I am thinking hairdressing.
Jean Knee – Bingo. I’ll send you a copy of Cosmo so you can educate yourself on the topic.
Lu – The untamed package is making a comeback!
Here via Cocotte. First of all, I hate that ridiculous slang term. But I like to think that by untamed they simply mean she has a wild sex life. Because I don’t want to think what someone does with her pubic hair would warrant a magazine cover.
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