“WTF?” Wednesday

WTF was I thinking when I signed up for NaBloPoMo? And why didn’t you guys try to stop me? It’s only day four and I already feel like the Dunkin Donuts guy … “time to write the blog. time to write the blog.” I’m all about setting goals, but this is kind of like starting a no-carb diet during the holidays. Maybe I could make my life extra hard by adopting a few more toddlers or a litter of puppies that needs house training.

So anyway, I get this email today from Sur la table (a store that I love, love, love) and am instantly intrigued because Thanksgiving is approaching, we eat mostly organic meat, and they say it’s like the bestest turkey eh-ver!

Then I scrolled down to see that this turkey costs $110 for a 15-pounder. Holy crap! That turkey better be the best thing I ever put in my mouth. I’m talking no gravy necessary, super juicy, tasty and slightly orgasmic turkey. I spent $65 on a turkey two years ago and felt like an idiot. (organic but 27 pounds!) The lady at the checkout even made fun of me.

But I guess the good news here is that if even 50 people are willing to spend that kind of cash on a turkey, then the economy is clearly recovering.

P.S. If you buy one, we usually eat our Thanksgiving meal in the early afternoon, so I could totally be free to join you for dinner.

6 thoughts on ““WTF?” Wednesday

  1. If you were making doughnuts, I'd come by even more often.

    Or orgasmic turkeys. Though now that I think about it, that would make for an awkward Thanksgiving dinner.

    I'll stick to the doughnuts.

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