The holidays never end at our house. Not sure if we just need more holiday cheer than everyone else, or if we are just destined to be “those” people in the neighborhood who leave Christmas lights on the house year-round. Today, I opened up the blinds in my office, and this is what I saw.
An Easter egg still hidden in our yard. So I decided to take a look around and found 2 more. (The good news is that they had packages of mini M&M’s in them, so I had a yummy afternoon snack!)So Easter is starting to feel a little like Christmas 2007, which didn’t end until March 2008.
Because we were home with a new baby and no visitors, I decided to go all out and hang lights on the house. Well, I could never get the guy who put them up come to take them down, and my six-foot ladder just barely got me close enough to rip the lights off the bottom story. Luckily, we had some high-wind days and the clips on the roof started coming down on their own. So when a strand would fall down far enough, I would get the ladder and go rip them down.
That worked fine until it came to the last strand, which was completely unreachable unless you got on the roof. I tried to borrow ladders, to no avail, and finally came up with an idea. Not a brilliant idea, but it worked none the less.
I used duct tape to attach the 20-foot, light-bulb-changing pole to the skimmer pole for the pool…thus making a 30-foot pole. Then I stood in my front yard like a total clown, trying to balance the pole in a manner where I could knock the clips off the gutter on the tippy top of my roof. After about 30 minutes, this ridiculous pole dance finally worked and the strand came down just close enough where I could jump up (because I have about a 2″ vertical jump, this part took about 15 minutes) and yank the strand down. It probably wouldn’t have taken so long if I didn’t have to drop the pole and act all nonchalant every time someone drove by.
And just when I thought Christmas was over, I noticed this while I was out hunting for lost Easter eggs today.

One remaining Christmas light clip. Damn it!