Over the hump

It’s been a long few weeks…long, long, long few weeks. Besides hurricanes and stomach viruses and other small things here and there, I also work at AIG. Maybe you have heard of them? Anyway, I am only telling you so you will feel extra sorry for me.

So pretty much everything has been a shit storm lately, but after AIG’s big announcement today, I think I am over the hump. I intend to celebrate this weekend with cocktails, maybe a pedicure and a massage, some quality time with my family, and staying away from all computers, Blackberries and other technological torture devices.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

“What the F*ck?” Wednesday

WTF, Nabisco? Where is my other cracker? You have no idea how badly I needed that second cracker today. I haven’t eaten since Monday due to some killer stomach virus and when I was finally ready to chance it, and eat the yummy goodness that is Club crackers, there was only one.

So as you can probably tell by my irrational anger over a cracker, my family is a little on the edge. Poor Anabella came down with this vomiting thing on Monday and by Tuesday, Dan and I both had the same thing. Super Scarlett has managed to walk away unscathed…at least so far. Just look at my poor, pitiful Anabella waiting to get her medicine at the pharmacy. Can you believe Nabisco cheated her mommy out of a cracker?

Happy (belated) Birthday, Scarlett!

Hurricane Ike did more than chase us out of our home and muck up our roof. It also caused the postponement of a celebration for Scarlett’s First Birthday.

But we were finally able to celebrate last weekend with family and close friends. Brunch, mimosas and cake…it doesn’t get better than that.

Woke up from a nap by daddy, but still ready to party.
(That’s my mom holding her.)

Baby’s first bite of icing.

Anabella supervises…and immediately demands her own cake and gifts.

Milk to wash it all down with.


Dearest Baby Scarlett,

I cannot tell you how much joy you bring to my life. Always smiling, always giggling…you light up every day. I love how laid back you are…nothing really seems to bother you. (How wonderful THAT must feel!) I love that you are an exceptional eater…and that you love to sleep (thank you for still being a two-naps-a-day girl)…and that you are finally on the Family Sleep-in Schedule. (No more 7:00 a.m. for us.)

I love your demeanor…always sweet and gentle…and your cute little belly laugh makes me forget all my worries. And most especially, I love that you are your own mischievous little person. The hair puller, the screamer (although I could do with a little less of that), the dog chaser, and the kid who runs to get out of the gate and up the stairs before we even realize we left it open. Always stealing Anabella’s sippy cups…always sticking your fingers in places they shouldn’t be…always waiting for the opportunity to wreak havoc in the laundry room or the pantry.

There’s never a dull moment…and I couldn’t be more thankful.

“What the F*ck?” Wednesday

This came home from school with Anabella on Monday. I know I am nit picky because I write and edit for a living, but WTF?!

I guess her respondsabilities do not include spell checking or refraining from excessive use of exclamation marks.

I was at CVS today and noticed a strange trend…Flamin’Hot Funyuns are being dissed everywhere! Apparently, Flamin‘ Hot Fritos and Flamin‘ Hot Chesters (whatever those are!) aren’t making the cut either.

Finally, like these bruises? I got them from a pizza box. That’s right, I got my ass kicked by a cardboard box. Haven’t I been beat down enough over the past few weeks…hurricanes, absolute craziness at work, and now this? WTF?

Hurricane Photos

A little hurricane pictorial. We were very fortunate not to have any catastrophic damage, but here are a few photos from my stomping grounds.

Privacy is highly overrated.

For sale: One recreational vehicle. Slight hurricane damage. Perfect for the guy who wants a Fixer Upper!

Traffic signals take on new meanings.

My roof post-Ike. Don’t be envious of my fancy tarps.

My roof as a “pile.”

My roof takes a swim.

And you thought metal was tough.

Too bad we don’t actually use firewood here in Houston.

How to Wait for a Hurricane

We evacuated on Thursday afternoon to stay with our friends Marjorie and Kirk, who graciously allowed us to bring our two kids and two dogs, and invade their home. We got there a day and a half before Ike made landfall, so here’s what we did while waiting for emanate doom!

Drank heavily…

Watched TV…

Obsessed (and laughed) over CNN’s repeated proclamation that we were all facing CERTAIN DEATH if we did not evacuate. (you can’t see it, but I swear that is what it said)

Danced in the wind and rain. (Okay, only the kids did that, but it looks like fun, right?)

More later…

P.S. As of this morning, 26% of Houston (616,000 homes) still do not have power. 🙁

Surviving Ike

We’re still here! Things are not really back to normal, but I do have electricity and Internet access, so that’s a good start.

There have been ridiculously long lines for gas…

and groceries…

and even when you get inside, the selection is limited. (Poor Flamin’ Hot Funyuns…no fun even when food is scarce.)

And of course, limited electricity means not much air conditioning, which is very hard to live without in Houston.

As of this morning, 36% of the city still has no electricity. Most of the traffic lights aren’t working, so traffic is a nightmare…and there is debris everywhere…

But we are still here!

More photos soon…

I am so f*cking OVER you…


This is like the umpteenth time I have had to pack up my stuff, my kids and my animals, and get the hell out of dodge. After living in Houston my entire life, you would think I would have the hang of it, but I honestly don’t remember having this many true “threats” in the past. Granted, I live a lot closer to the coastline now, but still. It’s a pain the ass.

So, it is times like these that I am really glad we have a Hummer, and Father Al and everyone else who gives me a hard time about my H2 can just SUCK it. It is packed full of stuff and now I just need to cram in two kids and two dogs and hit the highway.

More soon.

If I hear that word one more time…

HR Chick: Can we jazz it up some? Maybe make it a little more salesy, you know, add some sizzle…some jazziness. If we could make this introduction a little more jazzy, I think it would be great. Just jazz up the company stuff and add a really cool, jazzy section about what a career in that department can do for them. The whole thing just needs to have more JAZZ.

Me: (Jabbing pencil in my eye)