“What the F*ck?” Wednesday

OMG, are you f*cking serious? There is a typo embedded into the technology of my new car!!!! WTF???

I will now be forced to look at this every time I make a phone call. Clearly Land Rover has no understanding of what this will do to me. And don’t tell me it’s because you’re British or some stupid sh*t … you are owned by Ford now.

Fix it, Land Rover … FIX IT!


Now for a funny, and non-Rhonda-traumatizing WTF…

… someone has way too much time on their hands. (The title of this email was “why men should not be allowed to play with action figures.”)

WTF? Quit playing with dead animals, dudes.

— The B.S. Cafe is now serving roadkill.

“What the F*ck?” Wednesday

Scarlett came home from school today with this hairdo, if you can even call it that.

WTF? My adorable baby doesn’t need a weird, Alfalfa ponytail. Look at her face. Does she look like she is enjoying this?

Now, the do that resulted from removing the ponytail was actually quite amusing.

“What the F*ck?” Wednesday … I mean, Thursday

A day late, but with plenty of gravy …

Before you say anything about my high-carb, low-nutrition lunch, please remember I have been eating lots of soup lately and I can’t eat anything healthy (no raw veggies or even most cooked ones, no nuts, seeds or anything high in fiber!).

So I get this yummy to-go lunch and when I get back to my desk I start pulling out container after container of condiments … three gravies and two tarter sauces to be exact.

WTF, Luby’s? I didn’t ask for either of these condiments, and while I appreciate you assuming I wanted them, one would have been plenty. I wasn’t planning to take a gravy bath or have a tarter-sauce facial today.


I would like to say congrats to my friends Kathy and Matt who welcomed a gorgeous little girl on Monday. Her name is Peyton … how cute is that?

And for NCS, some things to go with your toast band-aids.

“What the F*ck?” Wednesday

SO much WTFness today…

First, how do you like these shoes? Look at the adorable little mouse faces on the toe.

Would you ever be caught dead wearing these? I expect not. But that isn’t the WTF part.

Would you pay $299.94 for these ridiculous shoes (ON SALE, no less!)?

Look at these. I don’t care if they are Prada…and “on sale”…I am not paying $399.94 for a pair of shoes with a 1970s-era plastic yellow buckle.

These are the least expensive of the bunch at $199.94, probably because they are beach wear, but still…they look like something Mrs. Roper would wear with one of her muumuus.

These win the “WTF, are you f*cking kidding me?” Award. I am in no way thrifty, but I can’t believe someone would pay even $25 (much less $299.94) for this pair of floral print moccasins.

Seriously, DSW. WTF is going on with this shoe selection?

Death on a Platter
I know you will find this hard to believe, but the green stuff tasted even worse than it looks.

My favorite wine bar, Max’s Wine Dive, changed up their menu, and this was a new addition … “French escargot in honey bacon and sweet onion butter with hon shimeji mushroom, grilled crouton, and parsley foam.”

My friends and I were very excited to try it, and quite frankly, I wasn’t worried about the parsley foam because I have always lived under the assumption that parsley has no flavor.

I was so wrong. Parsley does have a flavor (especially in foam form) and it is called ASS. It was by far the worst thing I have put in my mouth in a very long time. In fact, it was so bad that I wiped off my tongue and did my best to quarantine the nastiness to one side of the plate.

What are we drinking?
According to this article … “bacteria, caffeine, the pain reliever acetaminophen, fertilizer, solvents, plastic-making chemicals and the radioactive element strontium.” WTF?


“What the F*ck?” Wednesday

WTF, Nabisco? Where is my other cracker? You have no idea how badly I needed that second cracker today. I haven’t eaten since Monday due to some killer stomach virus and when I was finally ready to chance it, and eat the yummy goodness that is Club crackers, there was only one.

So as you can probably tell by my irrational anger over a cracker, my family is a little on the edge. Poor Anabella came down with this vomiting thing on Monday and by Tuesday, Dan and I both had the same thing. Super Scarlett has managed to walk away unscathed…at least so far. Just look at my poor, pitiful Anabella waiting to get her medicine at the pharmacy. Can you believe Nabisco cheated her mommy out of a cracker?

“What the F*ck?” Wednesday

This came home from school with Anabella on Monday. I know I am nit picky because I write and edit for a living, but WTF?!

I guess her respondsabilities do not include spell checking or refraining from excessive use of exclamation marks.

I was at CVS today and noticed a strange trend…Flamin’Hot Funyuns are being dissed everywhere! Apparently, Flamin‘ Hot Fritos and Flamin‘ Hot Chesters (whatever those are!) aren’t making the cut either.

Finally, like these bruises? I got them from a pizza box. That’s right, I got my ass kicked by a cardboard box. Haven’t I been beat down enough over the past few weeks…hurricanes, absolute craziness at work, and now this? WTF?

“What the F*ck?” Wednesday

I was playing with sweet little Scarlett’s toes and noticed what looked like a small cut on the bottom of her foot. Upon closer inspection, it looked like a splinter…but then I realized it was a HAIR. A hair, but a splinter! A hair splinter? WTF??

Of course, Dan thought I was out of my mind, so I did an Internet search and found a few websites that mentioned such a thing….apparently hair stylists and dog groomers occasionally have this bizarre experience too.

So, I got out the tweezers and after a few minutes, I had the damn thing out. It was one of our bulldog’s hairs. Can you frickin’ believe that?

I know it’s blurry, but that red line on her foot is where a hair was embedded. ICK!