Yes, indeed. Little Ms. Scarlett has taken her first steps at the ripe old age of 9 months. Can you frickin’ believe that?
Category Archives: kids
St. Vivian
I still have a little pile of stuff sitting in my office from my birthday…books, cards, trinkets, etc…and because everything in our home belongs to Anabella, she helped herself to one of mommy’s “toys”…a little silly statue that is supposedly the patron saint of hangovers (a gift from my friend Kim…it accompanied a very large bottle of Grey Goose. Kim rocks.).
Please notice that you can only give this to drunks ages 3+. Younger drunks might choke on the small parts.
So anywho, I can’t get this thing away from Anabella without an all-out fist fight, so I let her take it in the car for the ride to school Wednesday. She refuses to hand it over as we get out of the car, so I figured I could distract her once she got into her classroom and sneak away with it.
Well as soon as we hit the door, she starts showing everyone her treasure. I panic and start bargaining with her, promising to give it back after school, maybe it would be accompanying some ice cream…but no. Her teacher walks over and says “It’s okay. She can do a little ‘show and tell’ today.
F*CK! So, I smile and leave. Luckily it just says “Saint Vivian” on it…no big deal, right? I am sure the folks at the church will find this all very amusing. Or maybe there really is a St. Vivian!
I jump on Google when I get home, and sure enough, there is a St. Vivian. She was a “virgin and a martyr”…and the best part…”because St. Vivian is in one story represented as having been locked up with mad people, she has been honored as a patron of the insane and epileptics.”
What a lovely show and tell!
Saint Vivian has been banished to the junk cabinet, but at least she has the bulldog dinner bell and some old flasks to keep her company.
Dan is the Man
Me: Can you say “Happy Father’s Day, daddy!”?
Anabella: Happy Dauders Day, daddy!
Me: How about “Happy Daddy’s Day, daddy!”?
Anabella: Happy Daddy’s Day, daddy!
Me: Say it again.
Anabella: Happy Daddy’s Day, daddy!
Me: Ok, now go in the kitchen and say that to daddy.
Anabella runs into kitchen, looks at my husband and says….
And that’s what I get for trying to train a 2 year old.
Obviously the girls can’t say the things I know they would like to (if they understood in the slightest what today is all about), so I will do it for them.
Happy Father’s Day, Dan. Not only are you the husband I always dreamed of, you are the father I never imagined. You kiss boo-boos, you play silly games, you tickle, you go to the zoo, you eat Chick-fil-a, you get up early, you take night feedings, you watch cartoons that drive you crazy, you bravely take two small children on outings by yourself, you participate on the playground, you buy cool toys (that mommy won’t), you are a master at tucking in, and you make the world’s best French toast.
You are a true partner in parenting…and you always see the fun in the job. You are always present. And you will always be loved and adored by your two little girls (and your big one too!).
Busy Busy Busy
In lieu of an actual post, here is a picture of my sweet little Scarlett, who turned 8 months old over the weekend.
She does this pose when she is being coy and during diaper changes. Kind of like she is saying, “I’m just going to kick back and relax while you clean up that poop, servant.” But in a cute, endearing way, of course.
A real post tomorrow!
From the mouths of babes
My friend Kathy and I recently took our group of almost three-year olds (she has a matching set) to eat ice cream. Her daughter Dylan looks up from her bowl of bubble gum gelato and says, “Mommy, I really like eating with a little shovel.”
New Tricks
Although it appears that PoopFest 2007 may have finally come to an end, nothing is ever boring with my precious Anabella. I mean, she can’t just be good, right?
So her new trick…
After putting her to bed one night last week, my mommy radar kicked in and I had that feeling that I should check the monitor to see if she was okay. When i turned on the video, I was greeted by my little girl doing what I have dubbed as “Toddler Tae Bo” in the nude. She was standing in bed, doing all kinds of kicks and jumps and toe touches. I have to admit that it was pretty friggin funny, until I pictured what would happen if she need to potty.
So I ran upstairs and was greeted by little Miss NakedPants smiling all sweetly. “HI!” she said. Then she walked over to the dresser, picked up her pajamas and diaper (which she had folded up neatly before placing them there), and brought them to me. I redressed her, kissed her goodnight, and we made it through the evening without further incident.
Until two days later when it was time for another nighttime nuddie workout.
Weekend Dose of Cuteness
She will 4 weeks old tomorrow and I already see a little of me in her…besides the good looks, of course. Like her mama, Scarlett hates to have her feet covered and will wiggle endlessly until they are free.
My week in review
Unfortunately, my life is pretty boring at the moment. It’s all babies, lessons in patience, and watching TV. But to keep myself entertained, I have been keeping track of some personal stats. Here are the current tallies:
- Times I’ve been projectile puked on: 2
- Times I’ve been peed on while changing a diaper: 2
- Pounds lost: 33 (I gained 50, so don’t be too impressed, especially since I still had “baby weight” from the last one!)
- Number of cold showers for Anabella after playing with poop since the baby came home: 3
- Number of things I have bought off infomercials: 0 (this is quite a feat)
- Number of things I am very tempted to buy off an infomercial: 2 (The Tobi steamer looks really cool.)
- Number of times I have been tempted to drink heavily after dealing with terrible two year old: Countless
Couldn’t have said it better myself
Top 5 reasons I am glad to be having this baby tomorrow
5. This naming ordeal will finally be over, because no we still haven’t made a final decision on a name yet.
4. I will be one step closer to retiring my maternity panties. (For those who haven’t walked this road, maternity panties are worse than granny panties because they are extra, extra large in the front. It’s bad enough that I have to look at them while pulling them out of the dryer, but the real embarrassment is packing them in your suitcase and knowing some TSA guy is making a joke about your big-ass panties.)
3. Three days in the hospital with no Wiggles or Sesame Street! I’ve been spending way too much time with them lately. I was on my way to meet some friends last Thursday and had been alone in my car for 15 minutes before I realized I was not only listening to, but also SINGING along with my daughter’s Wiggles CD.
2. Seeing my toes, bending over without grunting, walking without a waddle, sitting straight up in bed (instead of having to roll)…and (hopefully) not having to endure any more comments about how HUGE I am.
1. HAVING A NEW BABY! Playing with those tiny little fingers and toes, holding a sweet little person in your arms for the first time, watching them watching you watching them….I can’t wait.
So wish us luck. I won’t be home until Thursday, but I will try my best to at least post her photo and name when I return.