“What the F*ck?” Wednesday – Rain delay

I had an exciting WTF post planned for today, but it was derailed by a last-minute project (yes, I am actually working today) that has me feeling like this at the moment…

I have been sitting at this computer for 13 hours straight (and not surfing the internet or doing anything fun), so I probably LOOK like this too.

Therefore, WTF Wednesday has been postponed until tomorrow, WTF Thursday. And thanks to Roseanna for not only providing the photo, but for dumping this monster project on me in the first place!

“What the F*ck?” Wednesday

How is this a “medium” diet coke? I know I am dating myself here, but I remember when a coke this big was called a BIG GULP. Now, it’s just a medium. I’m almost scared to see what the BIG one looks like. No wonder we are all fat now. WTF, Jack in the Crack? Can’t you make a normal-sized drink?

Speaking of….I saw on TV that 1 in 3 of us is overweight/obese. Does that sound a little high to you? If they are including all the people who need to lose like 5 or 10 pounds, then maybe, but I don’t think 1 in 3 are truly overweight. (I did a random count today while out running errands, and I came up with 1 in 6. )

Can you tell that I have diet on the brain? It’s because I am on my second week of NutriSystems and all I can think about is food and dieting. Oh, and my crazy babysitter informed me that she lost 5 pounds in 4 days by simply reducing her donut intake from ONE DOZEN every morning to “just 3.” And she only ate one sausage biscuit instead of two. And she only drank 3 Dr. Pepper’s. Poor thing must be starving!

So, WTF, Universe? She is 45 and eats like a truckload of teenage boys. I am eating diet crap out of box and nursing a baby, yet she loses more than twice as much weight in half the time. Something is wrong in that equation.

“What the F*ck?” Wednesday — It’s Chinese to me

Literally. This holiday card arrived on Monday, and I guess we are supposed to assume it says something like…

“Wishing you a fabulous 2008! Kick ass and take names! P.S. It’s the year of the Rat, so watch out, because rat-like Nutria are moving into your neighborhood.”

Or something like that.

If anyone knows Chinese, please let me know what it really says. Oh, and here’s the kicker. The envelope was all in English. WTF??

The week in review…as seen by my iPhone

After discovering that Voles might not be as bad as Omar makes them out to be (Look! This one even has musical talent.)…

And getting my ass kicked by my two year old while her daddy was out of town the week of Thanksgiving (Yes, this is the extreme I had to go to to keep her in her room one night. She outwitted me by discovering our handles go “up” too!)…

I decided to just spent lots of quality time with my “foxy” baby this past week. (Isn’t she cute…and the sweet little outfit is courtesy of “Aunt” Laura. Thanks, LC!)

I also made a few trips to our new HEB…the current Mecca of my universe. And I totally adore them for having “child” parking. Finally, a perk! (Besides the whole joy of parenting thing, of course.)

Then, I snuck out of the house one night (with a bottle of wine) to meet my friend Tracie for pedicures. I am so brain dead that I wore closed-toe shoes…which means I was forced to wear these lovely wood-grain foam flop things out in public. And not just “out in public” like to my car…we went to a restaurant afterwards and I wore these inside. How daring and carefree is that?

Next, a WTF taken on the sly at the bank on Friday. Can you see the dashboard? It’s held together with duct tape. I am no mechanic, but I am pretty sure that if you have to use duct tape to keep your dashboard/steering wheel attached to your car, you might want to consider buying a new one.

And finally, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my friend Kara who turned the big 3-0 on Friday. We celebrated in true “dirty thirties” fashion. (You should see the photos from the END of the evening!)

“What the F*ck?” Wednesday – General Moaning and Groaning

Have you missed me? The hubby was gone for 10 days over the past 2 weeks, so my “free” time was spent either sleeping, or caffeinating myself to the point of the jitters. To say it’s a little hellish when he isn’t here would be a bit of an understatement, and any posts would have been me whining about taking care of the kids alone, so really I saved you all from wanting to cyber slap me. So here’s an extra long WTF Wednesday to make up for my absence.

That’s me. Because my Range Rover has suddenly turned into a piece of crap. The “service engine soon” light came on, so I took it to the dealership. I got in my loaner car (which was brand new and had all of 40 miles on it) and it proceeded to break down not 2 hours later. When I got my car back, it drove fine for a few days and then completely overheated and had to be towed to the dealership again. (Luckily the hubby was in it at the time…his payback for being out of town so much…ha!) So it’s back in the shop. The car does have over 70K miles on it, but WTF? This is the 3rd time it has been in the shop this year…twice for the SAME problem. And of course we only have a few thousand miles of warranty left. I am starting to think that cars have some sort of countdown clock to the end of warranty and then things just start falling apart.
I have apparently cursed my daughter with a name that is doomed to be misspelled for her entire life. We intentionally only used one “n” because my husband has some irrational fear of people calling her “Ann.” But now it seems that no one can spell it correctly. It doesn’t really bother me, except when they constantly misspell it at her preschool. Any of you who have or know a kid in preschool knows that I have to put her name on EVERYTHING. This is just a sampling…

It’s practically stamped on her forehead and tattooed on her ass, so it’s kind of irritating that her teachers, who see her name on everything she owns, still misspell it day in and day out. See her name in the middle of this commemorative plate from their class last year (by the yellow flower)? Notice anything wrong? WTF?

I was at Sam’s this week and noticed a bunch of firefighters shopping for what I assume to be supplies for the fire station. It didn’t turn into a “WTF?” until I got in the parking lot and saw them loading their basket of stuff into an actual fire engine. That seems really wasteful to me. WTF, fire fighters? It wasn’t like you stopped by Sam’s on the way back from a fire. And although I respect and admire you more than words can say, couldn’t you guys jump in a car to do the shopping? Driving four Hummers to Sam’s probably would have saved money on gas.

And finally, I am SO sick of people almost killing me while they drive and talk on cell phones. I know I’ve talked about it before, but it seems to be getting worse. Last week one of my neighbors almost had a head-on collision with my dad when she pulled out of our subdivision and onto the wrong side of the divided street while chatting on the phone. She even honked at him and gave him the “WTF?” look before she realized she was heading into oncoming traffic. I almost want to run for office so I could make it my personal mission to ban cell phones in cars. Am I the only person who feels this way? Under my rule, these signs would be posted everywhere!

“What the F*ck?” Wednesday

One way to keep the 2 year old somewhat in line while nursing the baby is to turn on Sesame Street or The Wiggles. It’s a not a perfect trick, but it does keep the destruction and tantrums minimal. But, it also turns my mind to mush, being that I am a “captive” audience.

So, I have been watching so much children’s programming that I have found myself having issues with Elmo or Greg or whoever. For instance, Murray was explaining how all the Wiggles and their friends helped out with the furniture when they moved into Wiggle house. But in the next episode, the Little Wiggles are living in Wiggle house with all the same furnishings. WTF Wiggles? Did you think that would slide past me?

And Elmo…well, I love him. I rarely get too crazy watching him, but he needs to stop with the third person references. It gets old when Regis Philbin does it and it’s getting old with you too, Elmo. I also don’t believe that Mr. Penguin wanted his peanut butter sandwich on pumpernickel bread. I understand that the letter of the day was “P”, but WTF Sesame Street? No one would order a peanut butter on pumpernickel with a potato and pineapple. No one.

I would think that maybe I was losing my mind a little, if my husband hadn’t recently mentioned that he is having “issues” with Winnie the Pooh. Apparently, Winnie gave Roo a honey jar to present to his mom for her birthday, but he had eaten all the honey first. And on another episode he ate everyone’s Halloween candy. So Dan thinks Winnie is a fat, lazy, inconsiderate bear who is sending the wrong messages to children. Take that, Pooh!

And speaking of….just a little update on PoopFest 2007. Whenever my daughter goes #2 now, she comes and tells us that she has “bad poo”…which is much better than having her smear it on the walls. So, if any of you parents out there experience it, cold showers are the answer. Say no to bad poo, kids!

“What the F*ck?” Chuck

WTF is up with Chuck Norris? He is EVERYWHERE, and I just don’t understand the attraction/love/obsession.

First, there are Walker Texas Ranger reruns on at all times of the day and night. (Per an Internet search, that show went off the air 6 years ago…it’s time to let it go, folks. Seriously. And for all you non-Texans who think that the show is a representation of life here in the Lone Star State, please come visit.)

Then, of course, there are the non-stop infomercials of Chuck and Christie Brinkley selling The Total Gym. I was also recently watching a episode of Late Night with Conan O’Brien (which I NEVER watch), and he was playing clips from Chuck Norris movies. I turned on the radio last week and the morning show guys from the hippest station in town were giving out Chuck Norris “facts”… such as “Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his father” and “Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.” (Which were actually kind of funny, but I had no idea everyone held Chuck Norris in such high regard.)

He’s in a Mountain Dew commercial (that is also pretty funny) and he also has a new Honda commercial with the tag line “tough meets classy.”

So I have to know people…WTF is up with Chuck Norris??? He seems like a nice enough guy…I mean, he doesn’t make me want to vomit like say, Steven Seagal or Jean Claude Van D*ckhead. But I still don’t get it.

Enlighten me…PLEASE.

“What the Fuck?” Wednesday – Halloween Horror

I love Target…anyone who knows me knows this to be true. But I have to say that I was a little disturbed when I noticed some of the costumes they are marketing to girls through their Target brand. As a mom of two little girls, this is the kind of stuff that makes me wonder how in the hell I am going to raise smart, savvy, self-respecting women.

What do these costumes say to you?

“Hi. I’m a GEISHA, which means I am here to entertain men. Yes, I know I am only seven, but since they put ‘spider’ in front of geisha, no one should find this disturbing.”

“Look how cute being in the military is! Make your top a little sassy and wear heels with your uniform…viola! Being the army is downright sexy, fashionable and fun.”

WTF Target? Is anyone actually thinking before they put this stuff on the shelf?

What the F*ck? Wednesday – The man I can’t escape

WTF is up with Kevin Trudeau? This guy is everywhere…if you are up all night long watching TV, that is. He has an infomercial on every other channel…he’s apparently quite a know it all…he has the secrets! Weight loss or alternative cures to diseases or speed reading or increasing your memory…Kevin Trudeau has the answer. But the real kicker is that he isn’t a doctor nor has he had any medical training…WTF, TV people? You don’t have to be qualified to dispense medical advice these days?

And WTF happened to the cool infomercials where they actually sell stuff a sleep-deprived woman wants? During the first few months of my other daughter’s life, I bought a Magic Bullet, the Paint Buddy, the 6-week Body Makeover, the TurboJam Workout and a Scunci Steamer. Now my only choices are some nut job giving out medical advice and people who want me to buy foreclosed homes. Am I going to have to start watching QVC or HSN? I can only take so many more late night reruns of The Hills and The Real World.

“What the F*ck?” Wednesday

WTF is up with Leona Helmsley leaving 12 MILLION dollars to her dog? I can’t think of one reason to do that, no matter how much money I had…or how angry I was at my relatives. Wouldn’t you just leave the money to an animal charity or maybe leave it to an actual PERSON with the stipulation that they take care of the precious dog/cat/whatever?

And how does it even work when you leave it directly to the animal? Does Trouble (yes, that’s her name) have her own AmEx? And what the heck is that dog going to do with that much money? There are only so many treats, bones, squeaky toys, etc. that a dog can buy. (Maybe she’ll fund a cat-fighting ring. Ha.)

And who is this dog going to leave the money to when SHE dies? The cat?

So many questions…