Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, friends! I hoping you are all enjoying a wonderful holiday full of love and laughter.

Ours has been a lot of fun … we decorated a gingerbread house, made cookies for Santa and this year Christmas Eve was extra special because the girls were baptized.

Today was a low-key day with family. We enjoyed a very nice lunch that included a 5-pound beef tenderloin (it rocked and totally kicked the crap out of having turkey).The girls got everything they wanted and yet still found time to fight over a few things. Despite that small setback, they were truly in the spirit of the season this year, and I am very proud of what giving, thoughtful little girls they are. Even Winston and Frankie had holiday cheer today.

Tomorrow we are back to reality … Anabella will be having her tonsils removed, so keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Her mommy would appreciate it.


A few weeks ago I took a trip to Stevens Point, Wisconsin. A place that is in the middle of nowhere. I know this because not only can you not fly directly there, just getting there can be quite a challenge period.

After being stranded in Detroit for a night (this was my view from the airport Westin) …

… I was then stranded at this “airport” (it only had two gates) the next day for a while because we still couldn’t land at our destination. 24 hours after leaving home, I finally arrived at our offices.

The people were all lovely, and I had a great time getting to know coworkers from around the globe (Who also had a hell of a time getting there … some people even had to drive from Chicago and Minneapolis!).

One thing I found very interesting was the abundance of specialty parking.

There were about 10 of these expectant mother parking spots at the front of the building. All empty. And for an employee population of approx. 400 people. I’m guessing there isn’t much to do in the middle of nowhere, so they are just preparing for the inevitable.

I was also completely surprised that one of the handful of restaurants in town was a really good sushi place. Complete with a Japanese sushi chef. Weird.

And here is your bonus photo. On my last day there, it was 11 degrees outside. We rarely see those temps in Texas, so it was fun to get a little “winter” while I was there. (Even though the locals were all running around in short-sleeve shirts talking about how “mild” is was.)

So, to sum it up. Wisconsin, not someplace I would visit for pleasure.

Did I skip November?

So November got away from me. There were several times that I MEANT to post this month, it just didn’t happen. Here’s the Cliff’s Notes version of what’s been going on:

Weird name, but the PhoCusWright conference took me to Scottsdale for almost a week. It was a combo of all the things I love … travel, technology, social media and several glorious nights sleeping alone in a bed. However, Scottsdale itself was like being on a different planet. At first I was really thrown by what appeared to be the AC units on top of all the houses. (My dad can give you the real explanation, but apparently it’s some sort of cooling system that works really well in the desert.)

And of course, all the yards look like this.

And they have cool street names like “Thunderbird” and “Cactus.” AND, most importantly, I had the best dessert ever at a local restaurant. It was called “Mexican Apple Pie.”

It came out on a sizzling fajita platter, and when he put it down in front of me, he poured a cup of “Mexican Brandy Butter” onto it. The cinnamon ice cream with the piping hot apple pie and booze butter was top notch. Ridiculously good.

Oh, and all the views in Scottsdale are pretty nice. I was stuck at an Embassy Suites and here is my view. Too bad I’m not a golfer because they have like one golf course for every 10 people in Scottsdale.

Still awesome. Still loving it. Still exceptionally happy that I made the move. Missing my telecommute days and my 40th floor view a little less.

It was awesome this year. Had friends and family over for the entire day. The girls were super excited and made little hand print turkeys for everyone. The Texans won. The Cowboys lost. And because Dan, the best husband ever, bought me a new refrigerator while I was in Scottsdale, I had a perfectly good and empty fridge in the garage to store all the leftovers in. Which meant I didn’t have to clean up too much until Friday. Yeah.

So November was a good month. Now on to Christmas. Can you believe it is effing Christmas already?

Anabella and her girl scout troop are decorating and riding on a Holiday parade float in Pearland this coming weekend. 15 seven-year-old girls… I’m sure nothing is going to go wrong there. Ha!

Happy Halloween

Just a few photos from what I am now calling the “best kid party ever” last Saturday (thanks Kathy and Peyton!). Between the DJ, disco ball and dance floor, karaoke, endless food and candy … my kiddos didn’t want to leave. I had to drag them out at 7:45 (the party officially ended at 7:00)!

So, Happy Halloween! This is year is a little different because Anabella has moved into a new stage of costumes … gone are the sweet costumes of years 1 -6.

As you can see from the face painting she chose at the party, she is now more about the scary. This year her costume is “Vampire Princess”. Not sure what the hell that is exactly, but she has a pretty, Goth-looking dress along with vampire teeth and blood.

Sweet Scarlett is still all sugar and spice and everything nice.

She is going as Tangled (Rapunzel) this year. Pictures tomorrow!

Moving on up

I got my new business cards last Friday. (I blurred out all the contact info just in case stalkers are reading this blog. However, if you can find me by fax, more power to you!)

Titles don’t mean much these days, but becoming a Veep of a global corporation was an incredible moment for me. I’ve only been on the job for three weeks, but so far I am enjoying every minute of it. It is refreshing to be excited to go to work every day!

However, there are things that I miss about my old department:
– The friendships … especially Stasa and Jen … miss you ladies!
– Free snacks and cokes (now I pay 75 cents when I need a caffeine fix)
– Telecommuting two days a week (Boy do I miss my Wednesdays and Fridays at home!)
– The view of Houston from the 40th floor (I still have an office, but no window. Boo!). I especially miss watching the hawks circling the building.

More on the new job later!

Take that, dog!

Winston has been driving me absolutely crazy lately, and although I understand his incontinence issues are a product of old age, I decided to take a page out of Scarlett’s playbook and do something passive agressive. (If he had a closet, I so would have farted in it.)

Therefore, I give you Winston’s submission to the Dog Shaming site.

And there is one other thing …

Yesterday morning was my first day on the new job (more about that later), so I was a little nervous and excited while gettng ready. As I go to shut down my laptop and pack it up for work, I notice something new …

Scarlett. I walk into the bedroom where she is snuggling with daddy and give her a good talking to. I’m disappointed, this is why she isn’t allowed to play with real markers, it won’t come off and this computer belongs to mommy’s company, etc. etc.

She’s not happy. I’m not happy. I finish getting ready and Dan miraculously gets the writing off the laptop. Once I am ready to go, I sit her down so we can make up and not be mad at each other during the day.

Me: Scarlett, I’m sorry I got angry with you, but you know better. Please write only on paper with markers. Okay?

Scarlett: Okay. (sad face)

Me: Let’s make up because I don’t want us to be mad at each other today. What do you think?

Scarlett: Okay, mommy. (still a sad face, but gives me a big hug)

Scarlett: Mommy, there is one other thing I did.

Me: (Bracing myself to hear that she wrote all over something else in the house) Okay, what is it?

Scarlett: I farted in your closet.