Pumpkin Chunken’ Festival

Yes, another fun activity we participated in last weekend — the Pumpkin Chunken’ Festival (www.comehurl.org). The event centers around a huge catapult (I was told it took days to build) that is used to destroy pumpkins. What could be more fun than smashing pumpkins?

They had a little carnival for the kids, but whenever a pumpkin was about to be launched, everyone stopped what they were doing to watch. It was surprising how far those pumpkins would go (a few hundred yards?) and how they all had a different angle/path/level of destruction at the end. I was over it in about an hour, but I think most of the men could have stayed out there all day.

Men, destruction — you know the deal.

So did anyone notice that the creator of Wow Wow Wubbzy left a comment on last night’s post? I have to say that was more exciting than when Dooce tweeted me. And in Anabella’s world, that is right up there with a phone call from the Pope or George Clooney asking me out (Call me, George!).

So, thanks again, Bob Boyle. You made our morning — and we bought the new Wubb Idol DVD at Target in your honor!

P.S. Day three of NaBloPoMo. Whew. Only 27 more to go.

Halloween too

Here are the girls’ Halloween photos. Anabella was “Shine.” Yes, I know you have no clue who Shine is … no one else did either … so I let her carry the Shine doll around with her as a reference tool. (Shine is a character on Wow Wow Wubbzy voiced by Beyonce.) She had a blast and definitely has a little rock star in her, so that is all that mattered.

Scarlett was a cow. She couldn’t care less about Halloween and probably just thought it was a nice warm outfit on a cool night. But isn’t she cute?


For the first time in a very long time, I was truly frightened on Halloween. My friend Kathy’s daughter was having her first birthday party, and Scarlett was still napping, so Anabella and I went over alone. Dan called just as we were leaving to go trick-or-treating with the birthday party to find out where they could meet us. A few minutes later, this comes walking down the street.

Yes, that is my husband and his last-minute, surprise costume. He’s wearing a Halloween costume of mine from several years ago (I was a senorita) … with painted finger nails and reeking of my perfume. And he was wearing a pair of heels that I haven’t worn yet. Oh, and pearls. LOL

P.S. Of course the girls were total cuties. I’ll post photos of them tomorrow. For some crazy reason, I signed up for NaBloPoMo this year (30 posts in 30 days), so I need to stretch this out. 😉

“What the f*ck?” Wednesday

It’s been two weeks (I know, sorry!), and the WTF photos have been piling up in my iPhone … so let’s get to it.

Car? Motorcycle? Some weird cross between the two like the zonkey? I don’t understand. Why one big ass wheel in the back? WTF?

Really. An orange mohawk. Do you know how long it took me to explain this to my four year old? Didn’t this hairstyle go out in the 80s?

I know it’s the writer/editor in me, but WTF, Channel 2? They have this cool tool called “spell check” now. Maybe you guys should get it.

Anyone know WTF a “Corn Hole Tournament” is? I do now, but seriously, that name is just wrong.

“What the f*ck?” Wednesday

I had a great “WTF? Wednesday” ready to go … about our nanny and her wacky mom … but then I got a call from my BFF from high school, Halle, from Texas Children’s Hospital. And now, her one-year-old daughter is in surgery, having a “foreign object” removed from her lungs. So I am sitting here, waiting for the call that she is okay and in recovery.

My friend Kathy mentioned that something similar had happened to her as a baby … she was on a counter and grabbed a whole peanut, which she then proceeded to choke on. I had no idea something you swallowed could end up in your lungs? And once we started talking about it, Kathy and I decided it’s really a miracle she’s here with us at all. Why was she on a counter as a baby? (we made up a little scenario where her mom left her on the counter so she could step out on the patio for a scotch and a cig. ha!)

So please say a little prayer for baby Blair. Did I mention that it is Halle’s wedding anniversary too? WTF, Universe? That’s pretty crappy.

And to end on a happy note. WTF is this all about? If I want something to taste like bacon, I’ll put some bacon in it. I don’t want bacon-flavored anything … that should only be done to dog food.

That being said, Dan bought this and we had it on some hamburgers. It was good, but it was no bacon.

“What the f*ck?” Wednesday

WTF is wrong with the Wisconsin Tourism Federation? They had THE BEST ACRONYM EVER, and then they totally went and rearranged the words in their name. So now, instead of WTF, they are TFW. Blah.

Their website (http://www.witourismfederation.org/) says they changed it so it would “no longer distract from their mission.”

WTF, TFW? Think of the clever advertising you could do with “WTF” … for example:

– “Haven’t been to Wisconsin lately? WTF!”
– “Hey France, we have better cheese than you. WTF!”

SO many possibilities.

The many faces of Scarlett’s first haircut

Similar to Scarlett’s first turn on our water slide, it was hard to tell if she was loving or hating her first haircut.

Clearly, it’s not the best style in the world, Scarlett, but you have short, baby-fine hair that’s hanging in your eyes. I had to do something.

I guess she liked the bow. Or, she was just happy it was over.

“What the f*ck?” Wednesday

I took a quick trip to San Antonio over the weekend, and because I was all alone in the car, I had plenty of time to notice all the weird crap on that stretch of I-10. (Texas does not disappoint in the “WTF?” department!)

WTF is this? Tacky lawn art meets “Texas-sized” crap? I don’t think I have ever seen something this gaudy on the side of the freeway. Or really anywhere, for that matter.

How would you like to work inside an ice chest all day? How many six packs do you think this holds?

This sign still confuses me. WTF does that mean? Aren’t lawyers suing lawyers every day?

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Hung (on HBO)

I was sick in bed for most of the weekend and was able to watch the entire first season on Sunday. It’s definitely NC-17, but the characters are interesting and the story line is crazy, but possible, which makes it even more entertaining.

“What the f*ck?” Wednesday

Clearly this person does not watch TV. Or listen to the radio. Or read newspapers and magazines. I’m pretty sure this car was a prime candidate for the Cash for Clunkers program … it was probably even featured in the paperwork.

String to hold down the hood? Duct tape holding the side mirror on? Is there a mouse under the hood or do they just pedal this thing like Fred Flintstone? WTF? That “H” isn’t for Honda, it’s for hoopty!